Internationale Projekte




Education for Equality - Going beyond gender stereotypes (E4E)

Main objectives of the project: Spreading a culture of gender equality and support the overcoming of gender stereotypes by developing tools and methods for the educational system and institutions

The project will refer to gender stereotypes related to different family contexts, such as family with parents, single parenting, gay parents, migrants.

Specific objectives: Exchange of good practices among the project partners in relation to the spread of a culture of gender and to overcoming gender stereotypes

Partners involved: Teseo (Italy); Unicef (Italy); AB Olika – Publisher "Gender sensitive"  (Sweden);  COGAM – Collective of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender  -  Madrid (Spain); Institut für gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung, Bildung und Information – FBI Centre – Innsbruck (Austria)

Projektdauer: 2017-2019

Berichte und Ergebnisse:
